Thursday, 4 June 2009

Noel - Turpentine

Noel's Question

Why are turpentine or thinner added to paint?


Oil paint, which turpentine or thinner would be added to, is made up, basically, of:-

  1. Pigment - to give colour, bulk and opacity. Normally in powder form so you can imagine the difficulty in applying to a wall on its own. Note:- there are other powder ingredience's, but we won't go into them here.

  2. Oil - to bind the particles of powdered pigment together. Just oil and pigment would make a heavy viscose material. Referred to as the vehicle - to transport the pigment from paint tin to wall. Note:- there are other oils used to give many different properties to paint.

Now this is where the thinners or turpentine comes in. The thinner added to this mixture creates a material that can be applied with a brush. The thinner or turpentine then evaporates leaving what we know as the paint film.

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