Thursday, 4 June 2009

Tara - Scumble

Tara's Question


I found your web site, not sure if I can write and ask just willy nilly, but was wondering if you had a good recipe for oil based and acrylic scumble glaze.

I live in Kenya and you cannot buy these off the shelf here.

Thank you




You can certainly ask willy nilly, I haven't heard that expression for a long time.

I might even give you a willy nilly answer.

For the oil scumble you willy need one part raw linseed oil of any type or perhaps boiled oil, two parts turpentine or turps substitute and a small amount, 10% to 20% of the whole mixture, of terebine dryers or if you are using boiled oil then just a very small amount.

I use just that mixture when creating marble effects but some people add melted bees wax to make a scumble.

For the acrylic scumble you willy need the paint and propylene glycol, that is what is in the manufactured water based scumble found in the shops. But you can make your own - the paint and glycerine, synthetic or natural, or a material you can buy in a chemist called KY jelly, that's the same as synthetic glycerine.

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